You can expect a lot from us when it comes to competent advice and innovative solutions for floors and flooring. We are well equipped for every requirement with an extensive selection of high-quality products and sound knowledge of manufacturing and laying of all kinds of flooring. Whether a factory hall, clean room, warehouse, store or your home: we will find flooring that is perfect for you with regard to function and appearance. Whether parquet, laminate, cork or linoleum: we'll make sure you have the right ground contact.

Floors and coverings for industry and commerce

We will stand our ground: only the best for industry and commerce

Successful production and economic activity is only possible on sound foundations. That's why we won't be satisfied until we've found the ideal flooring for your needs. Be it for a clean room with the strictest demands on hygiene, a production hall where functional aspects such as resilience or durability count, or for a sales or office room where the eye also has a say – we've got exactly what you need.

Floors and coverings for the living area

Strong and beautiful: the best jointless floor coverings for your home

Our large decorative range gives you complete freedom when it comes to implementing your interior design concept. Our versatile materials, colours and structures have one common denominator: they all unite beauty and outstanding durability in perfection.


A visit to our showrooms in Kerzers and Ecublens will give you an immediate impression of our versatile product range. Our experienced consultants will be pleased to advise you. Please make an appointment to visit us – we look forward to seeing you!



Imbach Logistik: Tanarit ML2000 – Der Boden für höchste Ansprüche

Schnelle Schritte, rollende Räder. Das ist bald die Wirklichkeit des neuen Logistikzentrums von Imbach Logistik AG aus der Galliker Holding. Im Herzen dieses hochmodernen Komplexes entsteht ein Bodenbelag, der durch seine innovative Technologie besonders hervorsticht. ...
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Terazzoschliff – Vielseitigkeit bis ins Korn

510 m² erstreckende Fläche aus hochwertigem Hartbeton Bodenbelag, ein Belag der im aufwendigen Verfahren und dem perfekten Schliff aufs Korn zu einem echten Blickfang veredelt wurde. Zusammen mit unserer Tochterfirma Prima-Sol wurde dieses beeindruckende Terazzoschliff-Projekt ...
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Höhenrausch und Betonkunst: Neue Schilthornbahn

In einem beeindruckenden fünfmonatigen Projekt hat unser Expertenteam der Pegrila AG, Teil der Weiss+Appetito Gruppe, den wegweisenden Boden des Warenumschlags für die neue Schilthornbahn realisiert. Diese Ingenieursleistung markiert einen Meilenstein in der alpinen Infrastrukturentwicklung und ...
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